Sunday, June 16, 2013

Who was the walrus?

After a night of thunderstorms, we packed up our soggy gear and started out in the mist toward Traverse City. Our first three miles or so took place on a paved trail along the Betsie River. The trail was lined with turtle nests, some of which were occupied, but I took no pictures, so you 'll just have to take my word for it.

David and Alex have an adventure in a very windy sky
Art - possibly the Far Side Gallery of Prehistory
As soon as we were off the trail, the hills started again. As I huffed and sweated my way up, I kept imagining the roadsides littered with the petrified remains of past riders who didn't make it, their legs forever straddling their bicycles (stuck for eternity in granny gear), their skeleton mouths gaping as if sucking in their final breaths. I took comfort in knowing that I was at least a better athlete than someone.

After being resuscitated by Traverse City pie, David asked if I had noticed the yard with the Jesus sculpture next to the Goofy sculpture next to the  "God Bless America" sign. Sorry I missed that. We must've been passing that when I was dying. He seriously needs to start taking pictures. Or wait up for me so he can point these things out. All I got to see was the guy with a big mustache roller skating along the bike trail in TC with ski poles in his hands. I have named him the walrus. Goo goo gajoob.

The great thing about riding around this area this time of year is that there are roadside markets with fresh, healthy food available for snack time. We've lucked out the last two days by coming upon these markets just in time for a mid morning snack of fresh fruit and trail mix.

Today was a short ride. We only ride 42.5 miles to the camp site. Unfortunately, this one doesn't have  laundry facilities. Yesterday's camp also had no laundry, so we have ridden about four more miles to wash our stinky clothes before we find dinner this evening. I may need another shower and more clothes washed after riding to the laundromat to wash clothes.  Next stop, Petosky, MI.


  1. Sounds like a good time was had by all.
    (this is said with tongue in cheek) Thank you for the update. Be safe and have the time of your life!

  2. That's great that you've found some markets open along the way. But 42.5 miles doesn't really sound "short" to me.
    It's great that you've been able to update your blog along the way. I guess that finding wifi hasn't been too tough. I wish Aaron was blogging; I feel like a reporter sometimes.
    Smelling nice becomes a very low priority, I would think.
    Thanks for sharing these entries.

    1. Aram, my Mother's Day gift was an iPhone, so I have been connected most places. It's too bad that Aaron can't publish a blog along the way. I hope he's keeping a careful journal. It's been great reading your accounts of his travels, though. Maybe he can post a guest blog on your blog when he returns. Right now I'm missing those produce markets. It's very hard to travel through these areas as a vegan.
