Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Civilized Places Don't Let Their Turkeys Go Just Anywhere

Even the sign is shaped like cheese!
After a painful ride for David yesterday, we decided that we would reroute our trip once more to make the path to Manitowoc more direct. Today we find ourselves in Green Bay with one day of riding remaining instead of two.  Although we believe he's dealing with some tendonitis in his knee, David rode today's 57.6 miles like a boss. He's icing it up while we wash the laundry. Now that it's warmed up into the 80's, our laundry seems to be even more stinky than before.

The roads along our Wisconsin route are nice and flat so far, but we were still fighting a strong wind for much of the ride. While we still haven't seen any bears, we did witness a turkey wandering around town in Marinette, and outside of town a couple of ostriches saw us coming and started sprinting toward the road. I wondered what they would do if they didn't have a fence to keep them in. If I could've tossed a tow rope around one...

Unlike riding through the UP, we had less trouble locating "civilization" today, although the increased amount of McDonald's debris along the roadsides isn't really all that civilized. Almost halfway through the ride, we found ourselves in a little town right about the time we were ready for lunch, so we located a generic family restaurant, and decided to give it a try. I've gotten used to the strange looks people give sometimes when we walk in wearing stretchy shorts, but the problem with every small town diner we've entered is that there is nothing healthy to eat there. I've definitely consumed some unhealthy fuel while traveling, and it's reminded me why I choose not to eat so many of those food items any more. If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, there aren't many options out there, particularly in small towns.

Tonight we're trying out a vegan/vegetarian restaurant, so we'll hit the road tomorrow hopefully feeling less sluggish. I have just been informed that Manitowoc is only 37 miles away. So tomorrow should be easy, right?

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