Monday, June 24, 2013

Menominee: Oh, man, my knee?

Today is the first day we haven't needed our jackets to ride. The heat that's been plaguing the lower part of the state is finally creeping up to us, and it's a good thing because we're camping tonight, and I don't want to be cold anymore.  It was a 56.5 mile ride from Escanaba to a campground in Menominee, and while the terrain was nice and flat, we had a headwind today which only got worse as we progressed through the miles.

It was thirty miles into the ride before we came across a gas station/restaurant. Having looked ahead, we knew this would be the case. See ? Remember what I told you about riding in the UP? We were prepared just in case with PBJ and granola bars. There's nothing you can do, however, about a headwind, even when you know it's coming.

David is having trouble with his knee today, so that made the ride tougher for him. Hopefully he'll feel better with some ice and ibuprofen tonight so he won't be in pain riding tomorrow. We'll see. On the bright side, after watching that crazy guy walk across the Grand Canyon last night, this seems pretty easy. It's all about perspective.

I took no pictures today, so you'll just have to imagine a road with trees on either side, occasionally some houses, and occasionally a nice view of Lake Michigan. With sunshine and some clouds. There. Now you know what it looked like.

Tomorrow we're headed to Shawamo, Wisconsin. At least I think this is true. Alex is all excited about the prospect of cheese and has suggested that vegans may be against the law there because there will be cheese on everything, but I know he just wants to eat cheese. I think we've ridden about 430 miles now. Three more days of riding are left. Stay hydrated, people.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Alex about the cheese. Wisconsin knows how to make cheese!
